Keep Calm

Keep Calm

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I can think of a thousand things I would like to write about. A thousand things I want to say. Till I sit down at the key board, Then my mind just goes blank. I'd like to be the kind of writer that can just sit down and with "Flying Fingers" write about all the things that go through my mind. Like the other night I was watching a documentary about the space program and how they expect a manned mission to Mars around 2030. This brought to mind the awe and wonder I remember feeling as a kid watching the moon landing. Then I realized that I probably wont be around to see it. Now this is a perfect example of what I was talking about, I knew 1 minute ago what I wanted to say and now my mind has just lost it. Goddamnit, I can remember looking through the bars of my frickin crib and things that happened when I was only 2 years old but I have trouble remembering what I was thinking only a few minutes ago. Maybe the problem is all the distractions around me. Kids playing in the pool, the television is going in the other room, my wife and her brother are talking, Cars are driving by with loud stereos that produce a mindless beat that apparently todays young people consider "Music". To me it just sounds like the same major note over and over and over again. It shakes the walls of the building and and I can feel it deep in my chest. It just drives me totaly insane. Well there ya go, I have started to rant.

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