Keep Calm

Keep Calm

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Well lets see, what to report. Not a whole bunch going on around here lately, at least nothing worth writing about. Debbie and I are finally over being sick(knock on wood). I talked to my sister in San Diego this morning and she tell me that my nephew is talking about joining the Marines. Of all the Branches of the service why the frickin Marines? I am really worried about this because I am always hearing on the news about U.S Marines that are being Killed in Iraq. I also understand that he is talking about the infantry. I don't understand this because he has a degree in business finance. He has some crazy Idea that if he goes to officers candidate school and goes in as an officer he can live on base and save all his money to invest in real estate. Hard to live on base if you are in Iraq. I guess in Iraq he wouldn't have living expenses either but he might also stop living.

In other news, good old Arnold is at it again. The proposed budget cuts the Governor wants would all but wipe out my income from In home supportive services. I suppose I can go flip burgers or something but at my age it is going to be hard to find a job, especially with my health problems. We would also have to pay some one to come in and help with all the things that Debbie and her brother need help with if I am forced to take an outside job.

Another problem that has presented itself is Winston's health. In the last 3 weeks I have spent about $65 on medication for him and he is still not getting any better. Today I went to the vet and picked up another $28 prescription of antibacterial/anti fungal medication. The vet thinks he may have an intestinal infection but without $150-$300 in tests there is no way to know for sure. If this latest round of meds shows no improvement I will be forced to just wait until I can save some money and hope he does not die in the mean time. I wish he could tell me where it hurts. He has no appetite and his stools ar small and runny, and his rectum bleeds when he has a BM, and he sleeps all the time. His sister on the other hand has an activity level like the cat from hell, I have to put the living room back together every morning because she runs wild all night long.

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