Keep Calm

Keep Calm

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Mean kids

I thought I was mad the other day, but what I saw today made my blood boil. I have been feeding the feral cats that live around our apt. complex. Today at the regular feeding time I took the tray of food out to where I feed the cats. As usual I sat the tray down and walked away. Within minutes there were five or six gathered around the tray eating. After I went in the house I heard some kids yelling and as I looked out the window I saw a couple of boys throwing rocks at the cats and one of them was taking the food away. I ran out side and was able to stop them before they got away. I asked them what in the hell they thought they were doing and they just responded"Having some fun, That's all" I said How would you like it if I threw rocks at you and took your food away. About this time one of the boys parents came out and asked me what was going on and I told her and she just laughed and said "Boys will be Boys, Besides their just cats" God I wanted to strangle her. Some people just have no sense of right and wrong.

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